Three claimants to the copyright of the political slogan “Omalako Jaja Tova Kumain” now have to face off with evidence before Uganda Registration Services Bureau.
These include : NRM Youth League Vice President Ibrahim Kitatta, Social media critic Frank Gashumba and Hadija Namyalo Uzeiye ,Head of NRM Chairpersons.
The complete form of this slogan is “Omalako Jaja Tova Kumain; Tova Ku Ballot” – A youthful way of saying what could be translated as (You are still very fit and viable Grandpa, No need to leave the frontline, Keep your appearance on the Ballot). It’s intended meaning being that President Museveni who is addressed fondly by the youth in his nation as Grandpa ,should stand for presidency during the next term in 2026.
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Since 2022 when it gained popularity,it’s been used at every event that involved endorsing President Museveni as the next presidential candidate for the NRM.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that the squabble has attracted interest from the public ,President Museveni has kept silent about it .
CLAIMS: Gashumba sparked this battle off through his application numbered UG/C/2023/89 claiming to URSB as the creator of the slogan coined on 16th May,2023, as a request from from the Office of the Head of the NRM National Chairperson Office ,Namyalo.
URSB obliged with a publication of a notice of registration as per procedure on May 23rd,2023. It is upon this that Namyalo responded in objection through an application dated June 5,2023 claiming similar rights. For her case she had coined the slogan on 19th October,2022.
Kitatta followed suit,he too filed an objection on 26 June,2023 opposing the two. His claimed to have launched the slogan on 17th October,2022, applied for a copyright on 27th January 2023 and a public notice issued on 13 February 2023.
Infact Kitatta attached copies of the Uganda Gazette and certificate of URSB applying for a copyright on his work. Gashumba presented designed T-shirts with the slogan claiming that at it’s inception he designed over 80,000 of them. Hearing the claim of ownership from other individuals came to him as a shock ,he expressed.
Moving forward, the parties have been given up to September 12th ,2023 to have filed their evidence .The parties appeared before Registrar Ronald Lutunde.