People of the Land Concert by renown musician Kenneth Mugabi has satiated Ugandans who hours later can not fathom the moment .
Serena hotel in Kampala which was the remarkable concert venue was fully packed on November 24,2023 , not even the heavy rain torrents could hold back the fans. Some are suggesting that the next concerts is worth a bigger venue .
With some failing to grasp at the right words for the awing show he pulled off , it seems like a rebirth of his career and yet he has long established himself in the industry.
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Some of the fans seem to be saying his shows impact is always like fresh wine running down ones patched soul, one can never get used to how he hooks the audience into his song spirit .
The Queen, an X user exclaims ; “You guys, i can’t even begin to explain what i experienced at Serena last night for the #PeopleOfTheLandConcert OMG what a wow. @kennethmugabi you are art itself, because what was that? Best show ever hands down. Ndowoza kati tuyingire 2024. Thank”
Kasuku mentions ; “Music is going back home,to its rightful place.
People of the Land Kenneth Mugabi”
Following doing music for a movie premiere that gave him a break out , Mugabi has since released three albums; Kibunomu, Ugandan and People of the Land.
Mugabi has a dream of producing atleast 40albums in his lifetime . According to Mugabi , his music career started in 2016 with Kibunomu album but he released his first song in 2011.
In his own words Mugabi posted via X in response to his fans , “I am Still Trying To Find The Right Words To Say “THANK YOU” My #Peopleoftheland.”