BY F K MALE: In a groundbreaking initiative, the Tilenga Training Academy has commenced the training of 200 promising Ugandan youths at the prestigious Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba (UPIK) in the Kiryandongo district. Selected from a pool of 13,000 applicants who participated in the Tilenga Massive Open Online Courses, these youths are embarking on a transformative journey towards acquiring internationally recognized skills essential for the Tilenga project.
Philippe Groueix, the General Manager of Total Energies EP Uganda, emphasized the program’s goal of empowering Ugandan youth with internationally accredited skills for the oil and gas sector. The comprehensive 2.5-year training program encompasses a diverse range of courses in oil and gas production and maintenance, ensuring that each trainee receives specialized training tailored to their area of expertise.
With 31% specializing in production, 27% in mechanical maintenance, 26% in instrumentation maintenance, and 16% in electrical maintenance, the program is strategically designed to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Moreover, trainees will benefit from further training sessions at international oil and gas training centers, providing them with invaluable hands-on experience during the Tilenga project construction phase.
Ernest Rubondo, the Executive Director of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU), underscored the importance of upholding global best practices in oil and gas training institutes, ensuring that UPIK maintains the highest standards of excellence. Bernard Ongodia, the Principal of UPIK, reaffirmed the institute’s commitment to delivering training that aligns with offshore Petroleum Industry Organization standards, setting a benchmark for excellence in the field.
With this transformative initiative, the Tilenga Academy is not only equipping Ugandan youths with the skills needed for success in the oil and gas sector but also paving the way for sustainable economic growth and development in Uganda.