Madman Found With Two AK47 Guns

Net picture of guns.

Police in Lwengo district is hunting for a madman who was found with two AK47 guns on Friday morning.

The unidentified man was being prayed for by Pastor Mark Kaliisa who later discovered that he had two rifles in his luggage.

Pr Kaliisa who is known for praying and healing people with mental illness in Lwengo was called by locals to pray for the madman whose details they did not know.

Pr Kaliisa positively responded to locals’ request and took the madman to his church alongside his luggage.

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However, in the morning of yesterday, Pr Kaliisa decided to open the madman’s luggage and his eye landed on two AK47 guns.

As Pr Kaliisa pondered on calling a nearby man to help him arrest the madman and hand him over to the police, the culprit varnished in sin air.

Locals led by, Jane Francisca, one of the area leaders said Pr Kaliisa had never seen the now terror suspect and was only convinced by fellow residents to pray for the stranger with mental Illness.

Police in the district has recorded Pr Kaliisa’s statement and also launched a serious hunt for the stranger who disguised as a madman.

Police has asked the public to be very vigilant since some terrorists masquerade as mad people or scrap collectors.

Barely a fortnight ago, a scrap collector in Nakasero market was arrested attempting to grab a gun from a private security guard at Zainab Emporium building.

Police Spokesperson, Fred Enanga, said the man who was often seen collecting scrap had targeted a guard who was dosing at round 1 am.

Police linked the scrap collector to Allied Democratic Forces-ADF terror cells that have been killing police officers, private security guards and soldiers.

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