Renowned City businessman, David Katumwa, has been arrested in another school girl scandal. Katumwa, who is the proprietor of Katumwa Sports Centre, is in the coolers of Katwe police station on allegations of having masterminded the disappearance of a 16-year-old girl Nadia Najjingo.
Najjingo, according to deputy police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire, disappeared from her mother, Yasmin Ahmed, after she questioned her on where she had got the money she had used to buy a brand new Smart phone.
Owoyesigyire said Ahmed claims that Katumwa is the source of the phone that caused the trouble between Najjingo and her. Ahmed adds that she was reliably informed by neighbours that they had seen Najjingo at Katumwa’s home in Zzana along Entebbe road.
Ahmed after receiving information that her daughter was allegedly living at Katumwa’s home, she filed a case at Zzana police station, but she was reportedly not helped until she shifted the case to Katwe police station.
Police commanders in Katwe picked Katumwa on Monday night for interrogation but he was eventually detained. It should be remembered that Katumwa was last weekend successfully nominated as a candidate for Nansana Municipality MP in Wakiso District.
The same businessman was in 2015 arrested in allegations of defiling a Primary Seven vacist still in Zzana. The 13-year-old girl shocked police detectives when she led investigators to the guest house in which Katumwa had allegedly defiled her.
Nevertheless, the case was frustrated and it ended mysteriously before it was heard in court. Criminal Investigations Directorate –CID records of 2019 indicate 13000 girls were defiled whereby 10,500 were aged 15 to 17 years.